The EaziTeach™ Programme

The EaziTeach™ Programme

How is the EaziTeach™ Programme making a Difference?

Early childhood development (ECD) is essential to bridge equity gaps and overcome multigenerational poverty. PMT™ has increased its role as a partner to The Family Africa in expanding the coverage of quality ECD services.

The holistic nature of Early Childhood Development requires collaboration, consensus and partnership across different actors and sectors. Each development sector — health, nutrition, child protection, education, water and sanitation — has its priorities. Still, each industry also has a significant role to play in the development of young children. Each development partner can reach different audiences through various methods and individual strengths.

The EaziTech™ Programme creates an opportunity for teachers to use their android phones to connect to Smart Tv’s that are sponsored, with shared access to thousands of resources, reading schemes and numeracy activities. Using Smart TVs, we can make available curricula, posters, books and more that are entirely out of reach of real grassroots preschools. Linking to our Children’s Enrichment Centre in a township where the children and teachers experience firsthand the techniques as well as enjoy hands-on indoor and outdoor activities. The centre also serves as our teacher training centre.

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Ways you can get involved

There are various opportunities for Corporate or individual to get involved or volunteer:

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Donations for smart TVs & Educational resources

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Raise awareness about the EaziTeach™ Programme

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Digital teaching material (video & audio lessons)

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Becoming a sponsor for Smart TVs & Smart phones

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Teach a trade or share a skill you have

Donations for smart TVs Educational resources

Help Raise funds for the EaziTeach™ Programme

Get Involved with the EaziTeach™ Programme